Illustration and Visual Narrative | Final Project

Final Project

Gao Yuanyi 0373945

Illustration and Visual Narrative

Task 1 Vormater Challenge (1/5/2024-17/5/2024)

Lab 2: Chiaroscuro

Lab 2: Chiaroscuro exercise 1

Lab 2: Chiaroscuro exercise 2

Task 1 Vormater Challenge

For Task 1, we were given eight shapes to create a piece. With these shapes we were challenged to create our own unique design, within the limitations provided in the Rulebook. We were allowed to rotate, flip and duplicate the Elements. We had to use all the Elements. Scaling was allowed, but proportionally, so skewing or free transform. We could add, subtract, intersect and group elements as we see fit. The use of color is unrestricted; we could create our own color schemes. We were allowed to use gradients. The Elements may be filled, the use of strokes was allowed. We were allowed to use filters or effects.

Eight shapes

Working proccess

Final design

Task 2 Pokemon Card (23/5/2024-9/6/2024)

In this task, we were required to combine our technical skills in Adobe Illustrator with our understanding of visual narrative to create a unique Pokemon card featuring our own Vormator character.

Vormator Character Creation

Tools to Use: Pen tool, Curvature tool, Shape tool, Shapebuilder tool, Reflect, Rotate, Resize, Knife tool, Pathfinder, Color tools, Selection and Direct Selection tools. 


Pokemon Card Composition

Objective: Place Vormator character into a Pokemon card composition, incorporating foreground, midground, and background elements. May also create a new shape not bound by the vormator rules or shapes.

Tools to Use: Pathfinder, Shape Builder tool, Knife tool. May also use other warping tools that will be introduced in the following weeks.

First composition

Final composition

Assignment 1 Animated Album Cover (5/6/2024-21/6/2024)

In this task, we were required to choose one song from the list below, appreciate the song, hear it through and understand the lyrics. We were then required to sketch initial ideas , figure out  storyline, illustrate and compose and animate a ‘moment’ base of our understanding from the chosen song. This moment will be the album cover. Illustrated typography must be included. Foreground mid ground and background must be considered and illustrated.

Working proccess

First non animated cover

First album cover
Final non animated cover

Final album cover

Final Project: Comic cover and Animated One Page intro 

A motion comic (or animated comic) is a form of animation combining elements of print comic books and animation. Individual panels are expanded into a full shot while sound effects, voice acting, and animation are added to the original artwork. (wikipedia)

In this project, we were required to select a story from the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe and you are to create:

1. Comic Cover Page

2. Animated One Page Intro

Animated scope:

1. Parallax (to create depth)

2. Secondary Action

3. Animated Background

My first sketch

My final One Page Intro without animated

My final Animated One Page Intro

My final Comic Cover Page


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