Interactive Design | EXERCISE 3

 Gao Yuan Yi 0373945

Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University

Exercise 3


Exercise 2 - Personal CV Page

To design and build a personal CV page using basic HTML and CSS. This exercise will help organize information into sections, practice styling text, and create a clean, professional-looking page layout.

  • Add your name as the main header at the top of the page.
  • Write a short paragraph describing yourself, your interests, and any hobbies.
  • List your most recent education details. Include the institution name, year, and course or program.
  • Create a bulleted list of at least five skills you have (these could be related to school, hobbies, or any other talents).
  • Add a simple contact section with an email address and a link to any social media profile (optional). 
  • Use different font sizes and weights to make sections and headers stand out.
  • Choose a basic color scheme for the text and background. Use colors that are easy to read and look professional.
  • Add padding and margins around each section to give your CV a clean, organized layout.
  • Use borders or horizontal lines to separate sections for a professional touch.
  • Add an image or profile picture at the top.
  • Style your CV with a unique font and background color or pattern to reflect your personality.
  • Create a folder for the task and include subfolder (images) and the HTML file in the folder
  • Create a single HTML file for the content. Name the file as index.html
  • Add the CSS rule within the head section
  • Upload the folder to Netlify (I will show it in class)
  • Embed the link into your blog and submit the post in Google Classroom
My First Web Document (


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